Thursday, October 30, 2008

This is my idea of Thanksgiving decorating.
The kids and I decided to do a little decorating in our classroom for Thanksgiving. We have lots of classroom decor that was given to us. So I looked through it and pulled out the fall stuff and ....Walla!

Don't sign me up for "The Classroom of the Year" award just yet, it gets better!

If this isn't true Thanksgiving decorating what is?

These are the 2 decorators, they look a little scared or guilty or something, don't they.

Notice the precise placement of each decoration.

It is so much better in person! Ha Ha

And there you have it. Fall decorating at it's best! We had a lot of fun doing this and the results are FAR from perfect, but hey it's not the outside that counts! Right?


Della said...

A fine example of imperfection being perfection! It looks nice and very festive. Easy to get in the thanksgiving spirit with all those decorations! All that really matters is that you did it with your kids. Guarantee that'll be something they'll remember down the road! Have a great day!

Joy said...

Great decorations! I think it looks amazing! I bet you had a lot of fun. Missed talking to you this week hope you have had a great week.

Unknown said...

I was just chatting with a friend yesterday of why I love thanksgiving and why Halloween is repulsive to me. For every beautiful thing represented by Thanksgiving, the round beautiful pumpkins, the healthy feast of wholesome goods, the thankful lists and hearts, there is this UGLY cheap counterfeit in Halloween, the macabre, mutilated Jackolanterns (sorry, I find them repulsive), the artificial refined sugars and sweets, the the "what did I get" and upset tummies and whiny "sugar highs"....

I hate that kids are more pumped about a secular "cheap" artificial holiday than they are about a christian, rich, authentic act of worship in the celebration of Thanksgiving. I love that this is where your hearts and hands were busy and occupied on October 30th!

You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12