Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Family Ties

Family Ties Are precious things
Woven through the years,
of laughter, love and tears.
Family ties are cherished things
forged in childhood days,
by love of parents deep and true,
by tradition, by family ways.
Family ties are treasured things
and far though we may roam,
the tender bonds with those we love
still pull our hearts toward home.

My cousin Eric always keeps us laughing.

My mom and 3 of her sisters. Each one of my aunts are so special to me. We have so much fun when we get together!! I love you all! I can't wait until our next family fun night!

My brother is one of my best friends. We fought like crazy as kids but now we truly are friends. We have so much fun when we get the chance to hang out! I am so thankful God gave me such a great brother!

My mama means so much to me! She is the best grandma ever and a good friend of mine. She did such a great job raising us. We always knew that she loved the Lord and spent time with Him. She was a great wife to our Daddy and a wonderful mother to us. Thank-you for all the good meals, hugs, kisses and time you shared with me. I love you!

Thank you Lord for putting me in this fun, crazy family! I love each and everyone of them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you are blessed! thank you so much for sharing your great blessing story over at my place, I so loved hearing how our Father has been blessin' His kids.

You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12